Drawing Room Play


Drawing Room Play is a 5-question online interview series about the art, books, music, movies and people that inspire us. It is based on the concept of the drawing room, a room where one could withdraw to reflect. Drawing Room Play deals with the reality or fiction of having such a room.

Interviewees: Cecilia Edefalk, Karla Black, Buck Ellison, Miroslaw Balka, Gina Beavers, Paul Lee, Judith Bernstein, Ken Lum, Jonathan Monk, Torbjørn Rødland, Kasper Bosmans, Andrew Durbin, AA Bronson, Gabriel Kuri, Ellen Alfest, Terry Winters, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Christopher Bollen, Sascha Braunig, Paulo Monteiro, Julia Wachtel, Hal Fischer, Matthew Ronay, Catharine Czudej, Robert Wilson, Chris Kraus, B. Wurtz, Prezmek Pyszczek, Ricky Swallow, Enzo Cucchi, Sophie von Hellermann, Jim Shaw, Anna Zacharoff, Julia Rommel, Michael Rey, Peter Shire, Mathew Cerletty.

Portraits by Rob Wilson.


The Nanny Art